Production Blog-Editing Everything Together

Today I finally sat down and edited the entire video. I managed to be able to do it, but it wasn't easy. The editing platform I planned to use kept freezing after about 5 minutes of use. This wouldn't work out for my project so I had to go search for a new editing platform. This platform had many pros. It was free, had an infinite free trial, and seemed simple enough. However, upon installation it quickly became confusing. Thankfully, I managed to learn it with some online tutorials and after skimming some articles. I began by cropping every clip down to it's necessary duration. While filming the first shots, I managed to keep them short, which made my job easier. Then there was another issue. Piecing things together became difficult in the app. Many important tools such as clipping, splitting and muting video audio seemed to be hidden. At this point I was contemplating switching apps again or paying the first app I used for the music video. This first app had everything I needed, but costed money. Deciding it wasn't worth it, I stuck it out and just look up more tutorials. They definitely helped and I'm grateful that so many strangers found it worth it to put out this information. After some more experimenting and applying my newly gained knowledge, I managed to get to a point where I felt comfortable stopping. I watched the video as a whole to make sure everything was okay. I then showed to some family members to see if they message we were trying to send came across. After some feedback, I went back to editing. I managed to get nearly everything done. All that's needed are some color adjustments, file conversions, and more feedback. This will be my last production blog before the final project comes out and I think I did well on this project. There were so many surprises and situations along the way that could have prevented me from doing my best, but I didn't let them. Overall, I'm happy that I pushed through. 

Pictured: A person in front of a wall


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