Production Blog-Editing and Getting Files Together
Today I finally got the chance to sit down and edit the clips that I have received together. I'm relying on my groupmates to film at the moment, so I'm just playing a bit of a waiting game. However, I have received some of the files I needed. This allowed me to save some time by putting the files into my editing program. However, there was something I missed regarding our song choice. I forgot to find the radio version, so I decided to email myself the file. I would have downloaded the clean version directly onto my computer, but I was having file issues. After emailing myself the files I needed to download all of the videos sent to me. Then I placed them in the media of the editing platform and then onto the video track. This gave me an opportunity to see if we were within our given time frame. When I put the clips together I realized that we were over about 10 seconds or so. This wouldn't be too much of an issue if we had all the shots filmed, but there are still some sho...
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