The Final Product: Ink Joy Pen Commercial


    This is the first project of the year that I have worked on. This project was a bit of a rollercoaster. I ran into a lot of issues while trying to piece this together, but I think I learned from those obstacles. While I do think it is good for my first time doing something as demanding as a commercial, I expect to do much better in the future. I think the final product itself shows my determination, but it doesn't show what my group and I went through just to produce this. That's just how it goes in the filming world, though. What gets shown to the public is only a small fraction of what goes on. My favorite part of the process was probably the filming itself. It was very hands-on and I felt the most productive. It allowed me to move around and interact with my environment and my classmates, in contrast to sitting in a lecture. Overall, I'm very proud of what I managed to create and hope that in the future I can do even better. 


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